Got A 3D Printer?

Bring your prints to the next level with our specialty hardware kits!

Let's run through an example of what happens when you purchase one of our kits.

Download and Print

After you place your order at the checkout, you'll get a link to go and download the 3D print file immediately!
As you're waiting for the hardware to arrive, you can try different filaments and styles to make sure you nail exactly what you want!

Build Build Build

When your hardware Kit Arrives it's time, grab the instructions and head over to our youtube page if you're a visual instructions kind of person!

Generally our kits involve a small amount of soldering and electrical work, so make sure you have a space available to you.


It's time to sit back and enjoy the fruits of your labor, make your friends say wow and your wife say fair enough the 3D printer was a good buy.

Infinity Mirrors

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